Custom Apparel in San Diego, CA

3 in 1 Design has over a decade of experience creating custom apparel for teams, clubs and virtually any organization in the San Diego, CA area. We’re the ones to call when you want custom apparel that stands out—whether you’re selling it or sporting it yourself. Our apparel customization capabilities span runs of all sizes, including men’s, women’s and unisex clothing.

Contact Us

Screen Printing

One of our specialties. Whether you’re creating t-shirts for your kids’ sports teams, jackets for a corporate outing or sweatshirts for a school fundraiser, we’re your one-stop shop for quality apparel that gets attention. We can accommodate orders both large and small. All we need is your logo or design and we can create beautiful clothing and accessories that showcase your brand or organization in the best way possible.

Custom Embroidery

We specialize in crafting hats, jackets, shirts and more for our clients in the San Diego, CA area. Our embroidery services involve much more than needles and thread, as we can add metal strips, pearls, beads, quills and sequins to any fabric. Whether you need 1 item or 10,000, we’re here to deliver top-quality garments that feature the gorgeous designs of your choice.

Logos, Colors and Other Customizations

There are plenty of customizations we can accommodate to make your products truly unique. We can add your logo to virtually any clothing item you can think of, in every color of the rainbow. We have a wide variety of thread or yarn color, as well as other embellishments like sequins or beads. Let us provide you with custom apparel that truly stands out—garments people will be proud to wear.